
Sophisticated new speed cameras will ramp up penalty fines for drivers who flout rules - Mirror Online

Police forces across the UK are trialling out sophisticated new speed cameras that can catch and fine drivers who are breaking the rules from a distance.

Constabularies including Northumbria Police and Warwickshire Police have announced plans to roll out new second generation blue cameras that can pick up driver behaviour from up to 750 metres away.

The devices, which can read number places in both light and dark, will make it easier for forces to issue penalty charges to those who drive dangerously.

All details captured will be uploaded to a centralised system and fines automatically posted to the vehicle keeper's address, effectively saving time for police officers.

Police forces across Britain are already trialling the new scheme - although not all will lead to penalty fines

The cameras – which were officially approved for use in the UK on June 24 - feature integrated laser and patented technology to measure the time and distance between vehicles. 

They can also record video sequences for speeding, including "crystal-clear images" of a vehicle's registration plate.

While predominantly used for speed enforcement, the manufacturer - LTI (which stands for Laser Technology, Inc.) - said it can be used to catch tailgating, distracted driving and even motorists who fail to wear a seat belt.

The handheld devices can pick up speeds from 750 metres away

The cameras not only capture evidence but also the vehicle's make, model and exact location.

All of the information is collated into a database and can be cross-referenced with vehicle owner records to automatically issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) in the post.

"In terms of performance, the new camera refreshes the older unit which was developed over 10 years ago with up to date hardware, such as increasing sensor resolution, processor speed and screen size," the manufacturer told ThisisMoney.

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Essex Police has been using the first-generation TruCam since May 2014.

The force has seven of the £10,000-a-piece devices - six of them funded via the Safer Essex Roads Partnership and one by Tendring District Council.

"Not all speed offences result in prosecutions and some may be subject to no further action," the force's report clarified.

Philip Seccombe, Warwickshire Police crime commissioner - where the cameras are also being trialled - previously said: "Speeding makes it more difficult for a driver to maintain control of their vehicle and the police have my full support to enforce speed limits and take action against those who break the law as this will make Warwickshire's roads safer for everyone."

Inspector Jem Mountford added: "The new equipment is very portable and this means officers can easily set up anti speeding operations on hot spot routes identified by the force, with the added benefit that officers can be more mobile and responsive to changing demands."

Sandbatch Police tweeted: "Officers have been out with the TruCam device on the A533 Middlewich Road, Sandbach. 

"During the half hour, 11 vehicles were caught exceeding the 30mph speed limit with the highest recorded at 45mph."

December 08, 2020 at 08:28PM

Sophisticated new speed cameras will ramp up penalty fines for drivers who flout rules - Mirror Online

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