
Sophisticated AI VoiceBots Have Entered the Market Just in Time to Save Lives: How Conversational VoiceBots Outperformed Humans 8-to-1 in Detecting COVID-19 Cases - PRNewswire

They researched the latest artificial intelligence-powered technology out of Silicon Valley, and contacted tech company VOIQ. Leveraging the most sophisticated AI Voice software to have conversations with their citizens over the phone, Colombia became the first country globally to use VoiceBots at this scale and could diagnose millions of individuals within a matter of hours, vs. weeks or months with a solely human-powered team. What's more, they achieved unprecedented results, with VoiceBots outperforming humans 8-to-1, detailed in this recently released white paper.

As COVID-19 cases began increasing rapidly during the first few weeks of March, the Colombian Government introduced a national quarantine and quickly put together a technical team to contain the virus by designing interactive COVID-19 heat maps that trace cases across the population.

Most countries, including the US, were struggling to put together human-powered teams to scale the outreach needed to populate these heat maps. "We have cases of highly-concentrated regions with over 1 million inhabitants that will be in grave situations unless we deploy a massive outreach tool to trace this virus," said Andrés González Díaz, former Governor of Cundinamarca & Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS).

The forward-thinking team in Colombia headed by Governor Nicolas García began researching different solutions in order to multiply their efforts, and found VOIQ, a Silicon Valley-based tech company backed by top US investors. The team decided to harness VOIQ's sophisticated AI Voice platform for their massive outreach initiative to call citizens across the department of Cundinamarca, with 10M citizens.

These human-sounding VoiceBots had personalized conversations with each citizen and asked them about symptoms, pre-existing conditions, and possible viral exposure. The VoiceBots were optimized with regional accents, and used neutral, straightforward language that all Colombians could easily understand. The answers given by each individual were automatically captured, and any potential high-risk cases were sent to the Colombian team for further action.

These adjustments, combined with several other key campaign modifications, created unprecedented campaign results. Whereas the average response rate for an outreach campaign run by humans is 7%, this campaign had an average response rate of 60% - reaching 8.5X more people to diagnose potential COVID-19 cases.  AI VoiceBots proved to be a beacon of hope in battling the pandemic. They have allowed the Colombian government to speak with hundreds of thousands of citizens, trace thousands of potential cases, and save thousands of lives in the process. 

"Colombia is a testament to how technology can help us improve our understanding of how COVID-19 spreads. With a population of 10 million, Cundinamarca is a trailblazer for leveraging the latest AI Voice technology to reach its citizens and enable fast and efficient COVID-19 detection," said Nicolás García Bustos, Governor of Cundinamarca.

Due to the success of the Colombian Government's COVID-19 VoiceBot use case, several global organizations are now interested in leveraging this type of AI Voice technology to lead large, mission-critical outreach.

About VOIQ
VOIQ is a YCombinator and Silicon Valley-backed tech company founded by Ricardo Garcia-Amaya, expert in AI Voice. Businesses leverage VOIQ's SaaS platform powered by conversational AI VoiceBots to have highly-personalized natural conversations with their leads and customers. For more information about VOIQ, visit us at and follow us on @VOIQinc.


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September 24, 2020 at 07:00PM

Sophisticated AI VoiceBots Have Entered the Market Just in Time to Save Lives: How Conversational VoiceBots Outperformed Humans 8-to-1 in Detecting COVID-19 Cases - PRNewswire

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