
The Huge Cost Of Ignoring Disabled People’s Sophisticated Understanding Of Disaster Planning - Forbes

Most often government agencies and businesses think of people with disabilities as costly because they have unique needs, which couldn’t be farther from the truth when it comes to emergency planning. In Texas this February, emergency management officials and philanthropic organizations worked tirelessly to help residents. But the 3 million Texans who identify as disabled say they were too late—as in years too late. They question why their insights and experience are ignored and say continued marginalization at the highest levels comes at a huge cost to all lives.

The good news is that all the key components for success are there for the asking including the people, partner agencies and well-researched ideas. What’s holding a better system back? Not costs, surprisingly, but collaboration. As I researched this post, I read a detailed report from FEMA, written in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act that is basically a handbook for success on connecting communities, governments and services. What’s missing? Funding, yes, but also boots on the ground inclusivity. Involving people with lived experience is often stubbornly resisted because it mythically appears too costly, difficult or lacking in evidence-based results. That’s false. That type of baked-in bias shouldn’t be the roadblock to better planning. Here is a look at the gaps that could be filled by tapping into the invaluable knowledge of people with disabilities and advocates from California to Texas, Puerto Rico and beyond.

Gap: Preparation for Large-Scale Disasters

“Emergencies and weather-related disasters will only increase in magnitude—and they will disproportionately affect people with disabilities, said Marcie Roth, formerly of FEMA, now CEO of World Institute on Disability (WID). There has been some change. For instance, at the time of Hurricane Katrina people often didn’t identify themselves as disabled (that’s not how they think of themselves) so it was tough for FEMA to properly identify needs. Awareness and education has tweaked those numbers, according to a 2016 report on FEMA’s website. Crucial changes are being made because of the now 11.5 percent of people (versus 3%) who identified themselves as disabled in 2016 surveys. That statistic is part of the 30 Ways FEMA Supports Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery for People With Disabilities. The detailed report is a gold mine of examples of past collaboration between the ADA National Network, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities and the U.S. Access Board, among others. So why isn’t equity more obvious?

That kind of collaboration isn’t happening at scale—that’s the first leg that would create a strong foundation for change. The second leg is a separate, equally crucial one. It is the need for better qualified paid support for people with disabilities (DSPs). The Case for Inclusion 2021, filled with insights from ANCOR and United Cerebral Palsy, details the issues during the pandemic, exposing the unacceptable level of care in group and senior homes. This population is a key factor in disaster planning. The third leg of change is agencies who need to turn up the volume and listen with respect to people with disabilities in doing research, creating advisory roles and offering emergency training.

Already, I’ve given you a lot to unpack. In truth, filling the gaps rests on a simple premise, which is inclusion.

Gap: Information And Education 


“If people with disabilities are informed about their disaster protection practices, they can save themselves without other people's help in such circumstances”. But reports in Science and Scientific American show that there’s an education chasm. Wouldn’t it be amazing if this type of training and education could become a new job option for people with disabilities? According to some studies, training can directly affect their chances of survival after a disaster.” If FEMA has not yet arrived, disabled people may be forced to make life or death decisions on their own during disasters. One woman with several chronic illnesses had to decide whether to ration oxygen and try to make phone calls for a tank refill at the same time? Or could she count on a new tank in the morning? She made calls—and got a new tank delivered the next day, according to a Facebook Group, aptly called The Self Determination Group (SDG). The resource group in the Dallas/Fort Worth area offered five trainings in 2020 covering issues from voting rights to policymaking process. That’s not charity that’s progress.

Not surprisingly, SDG and their partner, The Arc in Dallas/Fort Worth, are increasingly in demand. About 15% of the state is disabled and unprepared for the next disaster. “The lack of preparation is a result of federal, state and local officials failing to engage with organizations led by people with disabilities, according to the SDG page and Germán L. Parodi, Co-Executive Director of The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies. The Arc is a national organization that is a model for collaboration nationally. Their upcoming virtual Disability Policy Seminar in April is one example.

It strives to undo what global research shows, in journals such as Science and further discussion in Scientific American, in which researched say, “disabled populations have been mostly absent from the conversation and… scant attention has been paid to their unique challenges.”

Gap: Are You The Point Person?

There’s a lot of talk and not enough action on inclusion, say advocates. Collaborative work is a common bottleneck for companies used to working in silos. When there is little cross-pollination, or sometimes, when inclusion is everybody’s business, it becomes no ones. As ideas are gathered, they must also be curated. If not, progress slows to a crawl. It’s should be an inclusion problem about the size of an ant hill. Instead, it appears to be an imposing mountain in the eyes of too many executives. One challenge is the myth that people with disabilities will not be able to understand or communicate their needs. In 2020, many advocates are calling B.S. on that theory. “Disaster planning for people with disability matters. We perpetuate inequality with every step we do’ take and risk entrenching disadvantage, says Michelle Villeneuve, a professor specializing in collaborating for inclusion at the University of Sydney. 

At the root of the issue, says Emily Ladau, author and disability rights activist, is that talking about disability can be uncomfortable and scary. “Rather than recognizing that disability may be part of everyone’s identity at some point, we ignore the issue and alienate the disabled community.” I agree, particularly when I think about my own experience talking about my disability. “We shouldn’t expect some people to make sacrifices or treat accessibility as a burden. We should instead focus on ensuring an equitable experience for all,” says Ladau. 

Gap: Understanding Crip Life

Disabled people need to be seen as powerful stakeholders not victims. This is a mindset change as much as it is an organizational or infrastructure issue. It doesn't appear to be a research gap. For every disability, there is stack of yearly reports showing the dire need for new systems for training, technology and making accessible changes. Information hoarding is one of my specialties, so I know how addictive it can be to gather research. It’s time for the tough part. Taking those learnings into the community. 

When you do meet with advocates who are disabled, you may be in for a surprise. The badass vibe and pride, the technical savvy and the sophisticated knowledge of policy you encounter is stunning. Syracuse University recently sponsored one called A Crip Reckoning. The event reflected on the ADA’s 30th anniversary and the movement for equity now and it was exciting to hear a new generation of disability advocates talk about taking back the word Crip. “We are now using the verbal—verb version not only to demand our place at the table but to design justice.” It also means imagining new and fully accessible and inclusive ways for those who are physically different to be a part of the mainstream, whether that be at work, in the healthcare system or emergency preparedness,” said Alice Wong, a champion of disability culture and braintrust behind The Disability Disability Project.

Gap: Roping In Big Thinkers  

I’ll pick on Texas since the February Arctic emergency and power outage is still fresh in people’s minds. The Governor himself uses a wheelchair and Texas (due to its size) is home to the second largest number of disabled people in the nation. It would be wonderful to see Texas lead the way. The Governor Abbott’s newly reappointed Committee on Disability, named a few days ago, can align higher level government committee work with grassroots work and knowledge. If not, it will be a missed opportunity

Texas is also home to business titans who pride themselves on doing things differently— just like people with disabilities do. It is often called the epicenter of technology and energy. As for the 2021 economy, a focus on caregiving and disability issues tackles a huge sector of the population in need The resolve of disability advocates combined with Texas business savvy could be a powerful insurance policy against another storm like the one they just weathered.

March 03, 2021 at 10:54PM

The Huge Cost Of Ignoring Disabled People’s Sophisticated Understanding Of Disaster Planning - Forbes

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